As a nutritionist, my services focus on helping you achieve your health goals based on your current health situation and your expectations for your future self. As an executive chef, I have developed the skills to make healthy food taste delicious, nurturing, and easy to prepare using restaurant techniques.
Prolonged inflammation caused by your foods can lead to illness by disrupting the body's balance. Mastering the art of recovering from inflammation is essential for restoring the body's equilibrium and delaying aging gracefully. Understanding the nurturing properties of food can contribute to better health and, ultimately, lead to a joyful, active, and long life.
In addition to creating a detailed protocol that includes daily routine suggestions from the moment you wake up to the moment you go to bed, a food shopping list, restaurant-style food preparation techniques using professional chef skills, a scheduled food menu with three daily dishes and snacks, complete recipes, and information on how to cook foods to maintain the most bioavailability properly, you also have the option to use the personal chef nutritionist services. This service can involve training your chef on healthy and regenerative cooking or having a personal chef come to your place and cook for you while following the Buenoseeds Concept protocol.
Let's connect over a discovery call to discuss the best option for your needs. Click here to schedule yours.
Learn the benefits foods can bring to your longevity and enjoy the results of recovering a balanced body
Wholistic Nutrition Coach
T: (305) 91-BUENO (28366)
Aspen - Denver, CO
Fort Lauderdale - Miami - Tampa, FL
New York, NY